Forced Upzoning & Redevelopment

Is this the future of Southwest Neighbors?

The Oregon Legislature has dictated that Eugene must upzone all single-family neighborhoods to allow redevelopment with triplexes and fourplexes. What’s more, the legislation leaves what gets built, and where, up to developers and large real estate investment organizations.

An example of a demolished neighborhood is how the character and livability of Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood was destroyed when blanket upzoning allowed radical redevelopment.

Get informed. Get involved. Take action. Protect your neighborhood.

Join your neighbors for a highly informative seminar on House Bill 2001’s impacts and action you can take.

The Complete Survival Guide for Single-Family Neighborhoods” — Presented by Paul Conte Wednesday, December 11 from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. at Tsunami Books2585 Willamette St. For more information, visit

Note to Southwest Hills Residents & Homeowners:

Homes south of W. 29th Ave. and around the Edgewood Shopping Center are prime targets for developers who want City Council to upzone so the developers can demolish homes and redevelop as high-end condos and apartments. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn specific actions you can take to protect your neighborhood.